Incorporated Town Owned By One Man
‘Casey’s a great man when it comes to docking’ the vags, and until ye lark of Casey yes won’t know mooch of Port. One day a feller was brought in for bein’ drunk. The Judge sized him up and says:
“What’s your name?”
“Me name’s Casey, yer honor.”
“What’s this you’re charged with?”
“Bein’ droonk, yer Honor”
“U–um hu-um” says the Judge, “and what have you got to say for yourself?”
“Nothin’ at all, your honour”
“Well, I’ll say this. No man by the name of Casey ever gets drunk. I’ll fine you
$2.50 for leein”.
‘Another time’ went on my enlightener ‘a feller was brought up to Casey’s house on the middle of the night for being drunk at the daypo. They had no strong jail here then and the vags and others was sentenced and put into the County pen. The Judge came out on the porch in his night shirt with a lamp in his hands, and took a good look at his prisoner.
“So you’re drunk are you, what’s yer name?”
“Thomas, your honor”
“Well, Mr Thomas” says the Judge, shading his eyes from the light, “I was having a good sleep and ye disturbed me. I’ll fine ye tin dollars.”
“Oh that’s alright, I got that in me pocket” said the drunk.
Casey leans over and says “And for bein so dum fresh in this cart, I’ll give ye thirty days. Have you that in our pocket?”
‘Casey has been magistrate of Port for time out av moind, he can’t be bate at the polls. I have me doubts that a man with a vote in his fist again’ him could get inside the town limits.
Casey’s ways and accompanying fame are spoken of throughout the State from San Diego to Yreka, and mane a tramp can recount episodes of his manner in meting out justice. But it must not be inferred that the magistrate is ever stern. Many a tramp left the town with a piece of silvering his pocket that he didn’t have before being brought before Judge Casey.

OAKLAND TRIBUNE, January 13th 1895
His Grip Is Too Tight
“Dowd was located finally with a crowd of the rival club’s members enjoying the delights of the divers “steams” at a nearby resort. The Owls were too late to participate. They have submitted their protest to Judge Casey, a well-known West Oaklander, who combines the study of Blackstone and Kent with the piloting of an express wagon. Casey proposed to apply for a writ of mandate to compel the Governor to relinquish the stakes, but Dowd says he will settle with the victorious Owls when he renders his decision on the game as umpire.”

OAKLAND TRIBUNE, September 11th 1909
Irish Picnic To Be Big Affair
“His honour, Judge J. P. Casey of Port Costa, the best known and most popular Irishman on the Pacific Coast, will act as chairman of the reception committee and will extend a warm Céad Míle Fáilte to all those who will attend, including hundreds of his old-time friends and acquaintances who are now living in San Francisco and Alameda counties…special prize donated by Judge Casey to the most graceful juvenile hornpipe and jig dancer.”

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, January 9th 1898
Fell Overboard While Hunting
“The deceased was 27 years of age and leaves a borother James residing at Benica and two sisters, one the wife of Judge Casey of Port Costa and the other Mrs. Monahan, whose husband is a fireman for McNear & Co. at the Port Costa warehouse.”

Mangled Under Oil Car Wheels
“Mrs. Casey, the wide of Justice of the Peace Jeremiah Casey of this place was knocked down and horribly mangled by an oil car on the Southern Pacific tracks at this point at 3 o’clock this afternoon…Mrs. Casey was 50 years old and her husband has been Justice of the Peace at this place for the past fifteen years.”